Peri Peri Chicken

Peri Peri Chicken

Total Time: 1 hour

Prep Time: Overnight

Cook Time: 45 minutes - 1 hour

Servings: 6-8 people

Suitable For: Spice lovers


Looking for something hot and spicy? A whole chicken done peri peri style is always a winner. In fact, you’re unlikely to have anyone dissatisfied at your next braai with our peri peri chicken recipe.


2 whole chickens

100 ml olive oil

1 onion, chopped

6 garlic cloves, crushed

6 lemons, juiced

2 teaspoons of smoked paprika

Fresh red and green chillies, to taste

8 bay leaves

Salt and pepper, to taste


  1. In a food processor “blitz” together the garlic, onion, chillies, bay leaves and lemon juice.
  2. When these ingredients are finely minced, set your food processor to a low speed and slowly add the olive oil.
  3. Using the basting brush and bowl, thoroughly coat your chickens with the olive oil mixture.
  4. Place your basted chickens in a deep dish and refrigerate overnight.
  5. The next day, using either your charcoal braai or your patio gas braai, braai for 45 minutes to an hour, turning occasionally.
  6. Insert your stainless steel meat thermometer into the thickest part of your chicken, your chicken is ready when the temperature reads 82°C.


Tip 01 Tip 01

If you’re using a gas braai preheat your gas braai to 180°C, using indirect cooking method - start with your outside burners and have your chicken in the middle, remember to keep the lid closed.

Tip 02 Tip 02

If you’re using coals, scrape them around the edges of your chicken. You don’t want heat directly beneath the chicken.

Tip 03 Tip 03

Turn on the middle burners, or scrape coals beneath the chicken, during the last 15 minutes of cooking.