Beef Chuck with Steamed Dumplings

Beef Chuck with Steamed Dumplings

Total Time: 1 hour 10 minutes

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 1 hour

Servings: 4 people

Suitable For: Traditional kasi flavour


In celebration of Heritage Month, we asked chef students from Capital Hotel School to put their own spin on traditional Mzansi dishes. Thato Molise and Boitshoko Motswasele took inspiration from township culture – and so delicious was the result that their recipe won first place prize in our competition. 

Here's what the chefs had to say about their recipe: "Beef chuck is a very underrated but delicious dish. Ours was inspired by township lifestyle where the main mission is to not waste any part of an animal that is edible. Beef chuck is also very cheap but can still taste like a million dollars – we hope you enjoy our kasi flavour."


For beef chuck:

1 beef chuck

10ml Worcestershire sauce

25ml tomato sauce

25ml sweet chilli sauce

5g salt 

5g pepper

15ml honey

10 Cajun spice

3g thyme

For dumplings:

2 cups flour

1 teaspoon salt

3g yeast

1 cup warm water

Chopped chives or parsley for garnish


Beef chuck:

  1. Mix all dry and wet ingredients together.
  2. Add in chuck and make sure all pieces are covered in the marinade. Cover and leave to marinate for at least an hour.
  3. On a Coalsmith Series Smoker, place marinated chuck on the grid and make sure the pieces are separated. 
  4. Smoke for about 45 minutes, regulating your temperature between 180-220℃.
  5. Mix all dry and wet ingredients together.Once done, remove from heat and baste with more marinade.
  6. Rest for 10-15 minutes before serving. 


  1. Combine all dry ingredients and mix well.
  2. Combine the warm water with a touch of oil and mix with dry ingredients until dough is smooth.
  3. Separate dough into equal portions. Set aside and allow to double in size.
  4. Bring stock water to boil. Add dumplings to the water and cook for 10 minutes.
  5. Garnish with chopped chives and parsley.


Tip 01 Tip 01

Be careful not to add too much salt.

Tip 02 Tip 02

For more intense flavour, you can also braai the dumplings for 2 minutes per side.

Tip 03 Tip 03

Skopo needs to be cooked low and slow to get the meat tender. Make sure you have enough time.