Competion Closed

Win a Megamaster Red Enamel Cookware Set

Expand your braaing skills with the ultra-durable Megamaster Red Enamel Cookware Set which includes a potjie pot, flat pot and round pan. Everything you need to bring it all together at your next braai. Plus, stand your chance of being crowned the #MegaPotjieMaster.

Steps to Enter:

  1. Share your mouth-watering potjie recipe with a photo of your culinary creation to Facebook or Instagram.
  2. Tag us, in the post along with hashtags #Megamaster #PotjieMaster. (Facebook @MegamasterSA or Instagram @Megamaster_SA)
  3. Subscribe to Megamaster’s Monthly Newletter,.
  4. Competition Closes 2 August 2018. T & C’s Apply .
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